Steam Canning Strawberry Jalapeno Jam

Around these parts, we love our strawberry jam and adding a little bit of jalapeno makes it that much better.

Strawberry season lasts only a couple weeks in our area and you have to be on the ball and ready to do all the strawberry things when that time comes. First on the list is some strawberry jalapeno jam and this time we’re canning it in our steam canner.

Strawberry Jalapeno Jam

Leisa Sutton
Some people don't like lemon juice in their strawberry jam. If you prefer not to use lemon juice, please follow the recipe found here:
4.50 from 2 votes


  • 5-6 cups strawberries (2 quarts)
  • 6 cups sugar
  • 1/2 cup lemon juice
  • 6 tbsp bulk pectin (or one box)
  • 2-3 diced, seeded jalapenos


  • Cut strawberries or place in a food processer. If you like a chunkier jam, just cut into pieces.
  • Place strawberries into pot, add lemon juice and pectin. Bring to a slow boil.
  • Add jalapenos to the strawberries as they are cooking down.
  • Add sugar, stir and bring to a rolling boil that you cannot stir down.
  • Once at the rolling boil, stir for 1 minute and then remove from heat
  • Ladel jam into steralized jars leaving 1/4 inch head space
  • Wipe the rims of the jars to remove any debris
  • Put lids on and bands finger tight.
  • Process in a waterbath canner or steam canner for 5 minutes
  • Let sit 12-24 hours, check that the lids have sealed.
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

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  1. 4 stars
    Looks like a great recipe, but there isn’t any jalapeño pepper listed. Am I just missing it? My hubby loves jams that are different so this will be the ticket.

    1. Jan,
      Thank you for pointing that out. I forgot to add it.
      Add 2-3 diced, seeded jalapenos to the strawberries as they are cooking down.
      I’ll fix the recipe.

  2. Kimiye Mendonca-Lopez says:

    5 stars
    I just made 16 jelly jars and had just enough left over that the hubby devoured. Great recipe I will be doing this again. Thanks

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