How To Pressure Can Beets
Beets are one of those “love’em or leave’em” veggies. In this house Phil loves them and I leave them. But for that man i’d do just about anything, including canning beets.
Beets are a simple and nutritious side or accessory to many plates.
Beetroot can be boiled or steamed, peeled, and then eaten warm with or without butter as a delicacy; cooked, pickled, and then eaten cold as a condiment; or peeled, shredded raw, and then eaten as a salad. Pickled beets are a traditional food in many countries. wikipedia
Equipment Needed
Pressure Canner
Canning Funnel
Jar Lifter
Canning Lids
Canning Jars & Rings
Canning Lid Lifter and Bubble Remover
How To Pressure Can Plain Beets
- Trim off beet tops, leaving an inch of stem and roots to reduce the bleeding of color.
- Scrub your beets well
- Place in a pot of boiling water. Boil for approximately 20 minutes or long enough to easily remove the skins
- Strain and let cool enough to handle.
- Cut off tops and tails and peel
- You can slice, cube, halve or quarter the beets and place into the jars leaving one inch head space.
- Top jars with fresh, clean boiling water maintaining1-inch headspace
- Debubble jars
- Wipe rims, place lids and place rings finger tight.
- Warm jars into warm water in the canner
- Vent a steady stream of steam for 10 minutes
- Pints: 30 minutes jiggler weight – 10psi Regulator 11psiQuarts: 35 minutes jiggler weight – 10psi Regulator 11psiIf you're above 1000' altitude, you can find your psi here
Want to see even more awesome canning ideas?
Find the best in canning recipes in this recipe index from Suttons Daze, featuring jams and jellies, fruits, vegetables, & meats (even ugly chicken!)
Is this an alternative to hot pickle solution or does this method make them last longer?
This is to make them shelf stable